This class can be used to display a MUI about window in MUI applications. Add a "Project/About MUI..." menu item and make it do something like this: if (!aboutwin) { aboutwin = AboutmuiObject, MUIA_Window_RefWindow, obj, MUIA_Aboutmui_Application, MyAppObject, End; } if (aboutwin) set(aboutwin,MUIA_Window_Open,TRUE); else DisplayBeep(0); You don't have to care about the window any longer, it will take care about closing itself and will get disposed when the application is removed.
Attribute Ver ISG Type ----------------------------------- --- --- -------------------- MUIA_Aboutmui_Application V11 I.. Object *
NAME MUIA_Aboutmui_Application -- (V11) [I..], Object * FUNCTION Inform the Aboutmui object of the application. If you don't specifiy this, Aboutmui will just create a normal window object and will leave the responsibility about closing itself to the programmer.
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